Digital interface
- Connect through a digital interface
- Always confronted by interface
- Portal to the online universe
- Only access this part of existence through digital interface
- Is a very complex audio visual environment
- Videos, text, hyperlinks
- Portal to many other interspaces and places
- All have that community
- Visual, mixture of texts, images, graphics, hyperlinks, and this environment
- Encompass both English, French, etc.
- Invite visual artifacts
- This is the language that we have grown up to be adapted to
- We are all immersed in
- "Language is the house of Being. In its home man dwells. Those who think and those who create with words are the guardians of this home." (letter on humanism- Martin Heidegger)
- Live through the interface, which influences us
- User experience
- We are being used by interfaces
- Not really understand the language unless you use it
- Collages connected to each other
- Be aware of what it feels like to be online

- Open account for mewe

- Futurism
- The work puts us to task
- The interface reacts
- We want to create a certain experience
- What is an image?
○ Can be a dream, vision
○ To imagine= to manifest
- We can never say what we want
- Experiences have an effect on us
- Formal elements of an interface?
○ Colour, composition, shapes, movement, texture
- Put notes on hot glue website
- Directs our ideas, determines how we move in this space
- Hyperlinks are another way of directing our movement
- Different effect than painting
- Instead of guiding people's sight, you guide beings
- Secret weapons in an interface
- Nike website:
○ Easy access for users
○ Very clean, white background
○ Creates a "real" shopping experience
○ Very organized
○ Lots of images, minimal text
○ Creates a familiar feeling
○ Relaxed, engaged, addicting
○ Looping videos: calming
- Soc used to art in galleries
- New language and tool to communicate
- What do we do with this?
- New ways of sharing who we are
- Creation of language
- How do we speak this language?
- Collage making environment
- Create a magine- images, magic, machines
- Spaces interconnected to make a form or shape
- Using that short story
UBC Video Game Club
- Need visual artists
- Interface can be a controller, touchscreen, menu, etc.
- Interface as a language of the present
- A language we are all very familiar with
- You can express yourself, communicate ideas
- Everything is filtered through the interface
- Need to know how to communicate in that medium
- Building an experience of the interface
- Same as art, same goals
- What are the new forms of beauty
- Technical art- splat art
- Constant movement from place to place
- Language is a movement
- Sampling of information
- New qualities of ways of interacting in this language- digital interface
- Brains are very malleable
- Language of nutshells
- Communicate ideas as artists
- Need to know the audience
- Language was perceived as the mother-load of culture
- Determines what we can and what we can't do
- Perceptions of the world
- Cancel that out, cancels nationalism, behaviour
- Establishes a common ground from which you can redefine a shared language
- Language determines everything else
- Manifesto of futurism
- The beauty of speed
- Break the existing language
- Create a new language to describe their new reality
- New kind of order and new kind of beauty
- Constructivism
- Pop art
- Dadaism
- Use of background can be a radical invention
- Sites direct our navigation
- Menus are at the top
- Functional aspect
- Can create playgrounds
- Creation of language= create of new worlds
- Structure of hyperlinks navigation is very important in this language
- Lack of drawing, lack of sounds
- Menus
- Hyperlinks
- Always gathering, never cohesion
- Magic- broaden borders of reality
- Concept of magic changes over time
- Practices of dimension
- Forced to accept things that challenge us
- Breaking of the boundaries of the real
- The word and the image are one- Hugo Ball
- Magines can be seen as talismans
- The awareness of the interrelatedness of all things in the world by means of a simple but refined sense perception
- Microworld that we are creating
- In this microworld everything is connected
- Emerging ways of knowing
- Emerging sensibility
- A new fate, a new life, a new way of understanding technology
- What are you looking for for the final project?- rubric
- Am I not doing enough
- What Is the relation between magines and talismans
- Magines: Geometric maps: magical landscapes
- Talisman: religious or magical powers intended to protect, heal, or harm individuals for whom they are made
○ Can't see it
- What is an image
- What is an interface
- What is the relation between the two
